The 8 Worst Foods for your Teeth

 1) Sour candies

They stick to your teeth, which can later cause cavities. 

2) Bread

Bread sticks to the crevices of your teeth, which can also later cause cavities if not brushed.

3) Alcohol

It dries out your mouth, therefore less saliva to clean your teeth!

4) Carbonated drinks

You essentially are coating your teeth in acid. 

5) Ice 

 Can crack or chip your teeth. 

6) Citrus

The acid in fruits like oranges can erode enamel. 

7) Potato chips 

These can also get stuck in one's teeth, later giving rise to the cavity problem. 

8) Dried fruits

They are loaded in sugars and can get stuck in one's teeth, also giving rise to the cavity problem. 


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